Saturday, May 30, 2009 . 22:16

To be who i am,
I don't belong here,
I hope you understand,
we will find our place,
in the world someday,
but at least for now,
I got to go my way.
Yet i don't want to leave it all behind,
But if i get my hopes to high,
i got to watch them fall everytime,
Colours turn grey,
the wind blow loneliness,
I'm leaving today.
you'll be ok
Can't help but wait
Thursday, May 28, 2009 . 00:21
When did i last glance at your face?
thought that ,
in my heart, in my breathe
How far the distance,
thought that,
your shadow encompasses me,
Tears dried,
thought that
feelings, i can't understand,
At my weakest moment who will see it,
who would know?
my tears dried, my heart brokenness?
I wish i could say,
Stay near me - do not take thy flight
A little longer stay in sigh,
Much converse do i find in thee
Historian of my infancy.
And of steady bliss, he sang of love,
To a prequel to that sequel.
Monday, May 25, 2009 . 22:17
Back up?
Fatally flat i am,
I'm easily bored,
is that okay?
Write me off your list?
Make this the last kiss,
I walk away.
Let's pretend we never met!
Done and Finish.
Its an end.
We deserve better,
A road trip,
A journey of emotions,
Planned routes or Alternate routes?
Dedicated to Matt.
Oh! Get me away from i am dying,
Play me a song to set me free
Nobody writes them like they used to
So it may as well be me.
Labels: Julian.L
Monday, May 18, 2009 . 22:42
Craters of my heart shaken,
Eyes blinded, steps frozen.
Once, twice, here at the line,
Yet who will be there to pull me across,
Times i struggle to cross,
Many left and went by,
Bear the cross?
the people celebrate,
Abandon the cross?
the people change.
Feet driven into grounds or
Feet that flee at every turns?
Will one be courageous when i am timid,
Will one pull me when i am stuck,
Will one take initiative when i am afraid,
Will one be the guy when i am the girl,
Will there ever be one?
Wednesday, May 13, 2009 . 00:37

gently down the stream,
Thy as the boat, keeps the water at bay,
The clamorous wave may bring you along a shady shore,
Independently Thy might survive, in fellowship Thy is strong.
Je as the oar, as small as mon can be,
Let Je gentle touch be a guide and move Thou to Thy dreams,
Without Je, Thy might survive, yet with Thy we are as one.
Monday, May 11, 2009 . 23:31
True to myself, Myself to true are moves,
Moves reveal, Reveal moves my heart,
Heart pounding, Pounding heart just catches my breathe,
Breathe emotion, Emotion breathe through it all.
It just simple,
Someone once say
"Nothing is too little for me"
Friday, May 01, 2009 . 14:15
yet it ended so briefly.
Thy touch still lingers on mon bare skin,
Thy fragrance engraved into mon heart.
Leave me not, for Je say, but not for Je to decree
Let's not chance upon and jump to the sidewalk.
Chance have been toying for years,
not quite ready yet,
to become their destiny,
it pushed them close, drove them apart,
it barred their path,
stifling a laugh,
and leap aside.
Every beginning is only a sequel, after all,
the book of events,
is always open halfway through.....