Sunday, June 22, 2008 . 22:52
A dream struck my mind. Reality and fantasy is just a line apart. I woke up to find my mind impede of its function. It was so real! I really yearn for it. Yet it’s such a far cry from ideal.
Complexity is yet simplicity.
The reader read out of his perspective in the view of his own.
Saturday, June 21, 2008 . 23:21
I have become lonely. Friends are having different schedule, lifestyle and commitments.
I want to break free from this cycle. I am just a homely man.
Staring within my reach,
Grasping within my means,
Fear in my heart,
Yet courage prevails in my soul.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008 . 20:47
Just moments before I entered the room my pulse were racing, adrenaline rushed, blood gushed into my brain and i was hysterical. A sense of untold anticipation surrounds me. It was like the time of my life again.
Things haven't been looking good for me. Life isn't that smooth sailing at all. I struggled, I fought, I worked, I crack my skull and I am still alive. Many things filled my mind with doubts. I have many goals in life, yet when will I achieve them all. New goals will just appear as I grow older.
Without wax,
Sunday, June 08, 2008 . 17:10
Sunday is the best!! I get to see her again, thou it’s just for the second time. Even it’s just a short min or stealing a glance. It’s all worth while.
Next week, next week!! Definitely I will make my move.
She has the lips of an angel, eyes that steals my heart, a smile that enchant me, and a look that is still so mystifying.
What would I do?
She is a guitar teacher, she teaches music theory and she look like my age.
Oh my… I have gone stupid and dumb. Being an adult and having such a teenage feeling.
it began with a glance,
Move on with a smile,
Spark on by chemistry,
And it had just electrocuted me!
Sunday, June 01, 2008 . 22:44
I met an angel. Her eyes carry such a gentle softness and her smile brought such unusual warmth. It had been quite some time since I last felt this. Butterflies exploded in my tummy. My pulsing was racing. Yet it just another meeting of the strangers.
I have locked our memories in the past with yet those entirely familiar scenes that kept playing in my mind. My friends said that I have change and a hint of loneliness follows me.
Perhaps I didn’t put in my best effort, I didn’t cherish before, I shouldn’t have let go then.
Without you, I don’t have the love I yearn for. The rest doesn’t matters anymore. Those days without you, had confined me in a maze. I miss your smile and when will it be again we meet?